Self Love, Forgiveness and Healing Through Awakening and Ascension
Self Love, Self Care, Self Nurturing, Self Forgiveness
& Healing For People And Animals

It’s true…The root cause of ALL our problems, challenges, struggles, and diseases is a LACK of Self LOVE and Self Acceptance.
This is also true of all the issues our animals may be facing, whether it is behavioral challenges, health challenges or any other kinds of issues.
In fact, a lack of self love and acceptance, including a lack of CONSCIOUSNESS is the root cause of ALL of Humanities issues.
When we address the ROOT CAUSE, the effects, ie, the issues we are facing in our lives, change.
If we get to the root cause of our issues, all of our issues dramatically improve.
The problem is that we are living during a time when we did value or appreciate love…and we never learned how to really love, honor and accept ourselves.
Self Love alone is not the only factor.
Consciousness, ie, a Spiritual Practice, not necessarily based in a particular discipline of study, but rather, based on what is uniquely right and uniquely appropriate for YOU and YOUR LIFE and YOUR animals, is the path to align with.
Unfortunately, we have not been taught how to do this in our world.

The time has come for new thought leaders and new teachers and new healers to take the lead through our own inner process of learning to self love, self nurture and self heal…and in doing so, we will heal our loved ones, our animal companions, our lives, our world, our planet.
It is time for us all to become
and it begins within us…
During this INTENSELY LOVING, HONORING, and DIVINELY GUIDED webinar, you will:
- Come to a place of beauty-full self love, self acceptance, self honor and self forgiveness…
- Align with and experience a deep inner peace based on true acceptance and allowance of all that exists, while still feeling strong and empowered to be of service to yourself and others in the highest and best ways possible, and actually make change in our world, for the better.
- Free and liberate yourself from the old paradigm of fear based thinking, behaving and feeling…and through this process of self liberation, you will be anchoring and aligning with the highest and lightest frequencies of love, peace, happiness, joy and fulfillment…
- Develop your sense of self confidence, self esteem, self worth and self value.
- Feel more safe in your relationship with yourself, Source ~ The Divine and others.
- Cultivate a sense of Divine Certainty in all areas of your life.
- Fall in love with yourself and your life.

You will also learn:
- How to identify the difference between your soul’s needs, your human personality (egoic needs) high self’s DIVINE GUIDANCE and how to meet YOUR NEEDS, 100% of the time, with harm to no one…
- The SIX KEY BEHAVIORS you MUST ADOPT going into the new paradigm on planet earth and during the process of Awakening, Ascension and Enlightenment…these six key behaviors will COMPLETELY transform your life and your entire experience on planet earth…without these, people tend to get sucked into and drained by the old 3D (3rd Dimensional) paradigm. Once you learn and adopt these, you will be elevated into the 5D (5th Dimensional) experience and fully anchored in that reality for ever….
- How to Identify YOUR Soul’s THREE PRIMARY LIFE LESSONS ~ without this, most beings tend to be repeating the same cycles of pain and suffering over and over and over again, feeling blocked and trapped and not understanding why or how to change their experience. The three primary soul urges that will continue to show up as major and significant life lessons throughout your entire life…learn how to use these for YOUR BENEFIT and the benefits of those around you too…
- How to identify YOUR UNIQUE PRIMARY SOUL ENERGIES and EXPRESSIONS ~ without these, most people tend to feel mis-understood, isolated, alone and lonely, even lost along their path… Through the process of identifying YOUR unique primary soul energies and expressions, you will be more fully aligned with your unique soul’s highest and best expression and energetic frequency for YOU…this will allow you to vibrate in HARMONY with your HIGH SELF…
- How to HEAL and RESOLVE the KEY OLD, OUTMODED archetypical patterns that have created pain, suffering and wounding in our lives and the lives of those we love…once you identify, heal and resolve these old, outmoded patterns of behavior, you will FOREVER FREE and LIBERATE yourself from the endless cycle of pain and suffering by repeating the old patterns over and over and over again…
- How to reconnect with your SWEET, INNOCENT SOUL and INNER BRILLIANCE via the knowingness within YOURSELF and through the reconnection with your inner child…we will heal and resolve the frozen aspects of our wounded child and at the same time, reclaim the PERFECT and DIVINE aspects of OUR ORIGINAL DIVINE BLUEPRINT via our JOYOUS, SWEET, LOVING inner child…
- How to acknowledge the value and the difference between the masculine desire for creation and the feminine desire for existence, and how to harmonize and align with and balance the inner masculine power and the inner feminine…how to use this inner vibrational energy to be in flow with all of your life and your living…so that you can truly live the live of love, peace, harmony, happiness and fulfillment.
- A BEAUTY-Full Heart Song Technique for self love that you can share with your most intimate best friends ~ your animal companions ~ they will LOVE it too!

We will also:
- Identify, clear, heal and resolve the core behavioral patterns and archetypical programming that has blocked, sabotaged and interfered with your greatest success, happiness, fulfillment and joy, no matter if that happiness is related to issues of love, health, prosperity, abundance, relationships or any other area of your life…
- Learn how to invite The Divine Creator and YOUR OWN HIGH SELF into all of your activities and endeavors, so that you are ALWAYS surrounded by and infused with love…
- Benefit from SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE, INTUITIVE SUPPORT, and ENERGETIC ASSISTANCE from the non physical realms, the Angelics, The Ascended Masters and other non physical beings of Love and Light…
- Enjoy weekly self love and self honoring practices which are designed to help YOU to reconnect with YOUR SOUL and YOUR High Self’s loving guidance for you…
- Participate in personal sacred rituals, (including but not limited to Sacred alter building, mirror work, vision walls, etc.) designed to assist you in the process of self love, self honor, self healing, self forgiveness, self acceptance ~ fun and easy spiritual practices that you can do in the privacy of your own home…
- Receive tips, tools, and techniques to incorporate this new way of living and being in all areas of your life…so that your life becomes an expression of love and so that you vibrate in harmony with this love in all your endeavors and all of your activities…
- Enjoy the done-for-you pdfs and handouts from weekly homework assignments, spiritual practices and healing protocols to assist you in having all the key course teachings in printed pdf format…
- Share in an intimate circle via our PRIVATE Self Love Facebook page…

Through these personal rituals and practices, you will develop and strengthen your core inner love, which will indeed heal and resolve the deepest pains, sorrows and sufferings…because love is the answer and love is the way…
Please join us for this inspirational, empowering, uplifting, elevating and enlightening course which is ENTIRELY BASED on the WILL of The Divine ~ Original Source Consciousness ~ and THE NEW EARTH Paradigm, via Ascension and based on The Universal Law of LOVE.
- The FULL 8 Week Home Study Course, Valued at $1997+
- A FULL Year Access To The ON LINE Membership Portal, Valued at $Priceless
- 2 Bonus LIVE Group Healing and Coaching Sessions with Lori (TODAY ONLY!), Valued at $2000+
You will also receive the following extra bonuses when you purchase this home study course:
- 7 weeks of home study class content – weekly class lessons and coaching, support, intuitive guidance, Q&A, plus Self Love meditations, valued at $1997+
- Weekly Spiritual practices, exercises, meditations and Sacred rituals….
- Class assignments, homework, practices, meditations, energy healing, pdf handouts, ebooks and more
- 1 bonus week of live energy healing for you and your animals, designed to anchor in and align with the frequencies of self love, self honor, self acknowledgement, self forgiveness, self acceptance, self respect, self dignity, self appreciation, and true compassion, understanding, acceptance, peace, harmony and love, valued at $111
- Bonus home study mp3 class entitled, “Determining YOUR True Worth & Value”, valued at $75
- Bonus home study ebook entitled, “Determining YOUR True Worth & Value”, valued at $25
- Bonus home study mp3 class entitled, “Living in the Overflow”, valued at $75
- Bonus energy healing call entitled, Self LOVE, valued at $111
- Bonus SELF LOVE and Healing meditation mp3, valued at $25
- Bonus Self Appreciation meditation valued at $25
- Bonus ebook entitled, Affirmations For Self Confidence and Self Esteem, valued at $25
PLUS: Join us TODAY and you will also receive 2 BONUS LIVE Group Q&A Coaching Calls with Lori, valued at an additional $2500
Total Value at $3,500+
Yours TODAY for only $597
You will LOVE it and HUGELY benefit from it! ~ In~Joy!
Join today for one payment of $597
(Save $3,400+!)
*Special discounted offer rates cannot be combined with any other special offers, discounts or coupons. Advanced discounted tuition rates on classes are non refundable. Class tuition is transferable to other classes and workshops for a small transfer fee. For additional information on our refund policy, please click here.