The Crystal Experience

Mount Ida and Hot Springs, Arkansas
Thursday, September 15th ~ Monday, September 19th, 2022
Optional Extension Monday, September 19th ~ Thursday, September 22nd, 2022
5 Days of Expansion in the Starseed Capitol of The World
Optional Extra Stay for Four Additional Days
Calling all Lightworkers, Starseeds, Way-showers, Earth Seeds and Earth Angels, Angelic Divine HU~mans, Spiritually Minded Animal Lovers, DieHard Spiritual Seekers, Spiritual Warriors Of LOVE and LIGHT, Nature Lovers, Cosmic Visionaries, Wanderlust Adventurers, Indigo Family Tribe Members, Mermaids And Believers in Magic and Miracles from Across The Globe and Galaxy and Universe.…
Please join us for an unbelievable, incredible, magnificent
Sacred Journey to The Crystal Capital of the World

Not far from Little Rock, AR, (approximately 90 miles), is an adorable yet rustic town known as Mount Ida, Arkansas, which is located in Montgomery County, and is home to the Ouachita National Forest and Lake Ouachita. The town has a thriving arts community, family owned restaurants and businesses and the historic Montgomery County Courthouse. The lake is absolutely beautiful and the nature is still relatively untouched, peaceful and serene.
Mount Ida is renowned for the quality and quantity of the quartz crystal deposits found in the surrounding Ouachita Mountains. In fact, many of the world’s largest and most expansive crystal mines are located in this area.
This area is also known to be where most of the Atlantean crystals came from after the infamous Atlantean sunken city; indeed, it is known by many of us Starseeds that the Atlanteans returned to Arkansas with the records of Atlantis to be coded within the crystals there.
It is a rarely known FACT that Crystals have the highest, purest, lightest frequencies (ie, the HIGHEST Vibration) of all material things on planet earth.
Therefore, by holding crystals and being in their proximity, you actually raise your own frequency and begin to awaken the dormant parts of your own consciousness.
Therefore, by holding crystals and being in their proximity, you actually raise your own frequency and begin to awaken the dormant parts of your own consciousness.
Each and every crystal on earth is pre-programmed for retrieval by their bloodline descendants, who would carry the unlocking frequency in their DNA.
Needless to say, there are sacred Contracts involved with this.
Indeed, Crystals do hold the history of planet Earth ~ Gaia and they store up most of the codes that we need to activate within us so that we can activate our Lightbodies, our crystalline bodies and our Christ Consciousness, so that we can awaken, shift, transcend and evolve, and ultimately anchor into the 5th Dimensional Paradigm and The New Reality on Earth.
Just imagine digging your own crystals, pulling them straight from Mother Earth ~ Gaia ~ as they naturally and organically awaken dormant aspects of your consciousness and simultaneously ignite your own Star Markings and Activate Your Dormant DNA!
Many refer to this area as the “Quartz Crystal Capital of the World”.
Moreover, this area is that it is known by many Starseeds to be the seeded home for Starseed Reunions. It is a Sacred Land, regardless of whether it is formally acknowledged as such. In fact, this area of our planet is often referred to as ‘Arklantis’, primarily because it is the area where the resurrection of those of us who went down with Atlantis know as ‘home base’ on planet earth.
In addition, while renowned for the high quality and quantity of the quartz crystal deposits found in the surrounding Ouachita Mountains, Mount Ida is also celebrated because of an abundance of outdoor recreational opportunities in the area. Part of our Sacred Journey will also include reconnecting with Mother Earth Gaia and unleveling our vibration to align with the 5th Dimensional Paradigm.
During This Sacred Journey And Crystal Experience,
You Will Discover More Of Who You Truly Are
You Will Connect With Your Innate Inner Value And
Your Real and True, Most Authentic Expression Of Yourself

Sacred Inner and Outer Journey
The truth is, Humanity is awakening and remembering who we truly are…
You are more amazing and have more value than you can possibly imagine. This Sacred Journey and The Crystal Experience is about uncovering your hidden value and your inner Starseed Self that is innately and irrevocably in you. It is also about finding the best ways to more fully express your unique gifts, talents, abilities, value, virtues, power and your true ability to make a real and significant improvement in your world.
- Align with the higher truths of how unique, lovable, beauty-full and valuable you truly are
- Find and remove blocks that may be preventing you from being your FULL joyous self in everyday life
- Open yourself up to new ways of living and of expressing yourself, your true gifts, talents and abilities
- Cultivate confidence, inspiration, inner joy and divine guidance from within to truly follow your highest excitement at all times
- Elevate and clarify your body, mind, heart and soul, energy field as you access and utilize the Crystaline Energies as well as the loving energy of the group and The Divine Loving Energy of The Original SOURCE of Creation
Come int vibrational harmony with your highest and best version of you
Embody your unique expression of yourself as a Star Child, Crystal Child, Member of The Indigo Family Races - Anchor into the 5th Dimensional Paradigm and The New Earth Reality
- Make strong, deep, intimate, lasting friends and lifelong connections with other fellow Starseeds, Lightworkers, and Awakening Beings in the Indigo Family Races

During this time of massive global transformation as our beautiful mother Gaia Sophia is evolving, the crystals and the Crystalline realm are assisting the whole of humanity in achieving states of higher consciousness…
The Crystals Are Time Capsules and record keepers…storing up information, knowledge, wisdom, energy and consciousness…
As we connect and commune with these crystals and the crystalline realms, we are simultaneously unlocking the gifts which have been stored within and contained within the Crystalline Kingdom awaiting humanities awakening…and in the process, we begin to remember and reclaim some of our most precious and sacred divine gifts, talents and abilities…
And we unlock and activate the solutions we have been searching for ~ for ourselves and for humanity….plus so much more!
Dig For Crystals While We Receive Crystalline Activations
And Sacred Energy Healing Attunements Together!

Enjoy Fun Adventures and Group Activities
- Participate in optional group activities and adventures
- Share in group exercises, Sacred Energy Healing, and heartfelt discussions
- Enjoy easy nature walks
- Swim in the local lakes and natural water beds
- Bath in Crystal Singing Bowls and percussion sound baths
- Join in guided meditations and meditation and healing circles
- Activate your energy body with live Sacred energy healing
- Contribute to Sacred Government Global Healing Circles
- Plenty of time for R&R ~ Rest, relaxation, journaling, quiet reflection and contemplation and integration
Immerse Yourself In Lavish, Light Infused Crystal Sound Baths
And Celestial Sound Healing Ceremonies

General Outline
- Gather for our own private group crystal digs in two of the oldest, most famous and most exclusive Crystal mines of Arkansas
- Learn About Crystals, and working, healing and meditating with Crystals
- Understand Leylines, Gridlines, Vortexes, Earth’s Energy Centers, and The New Grid System (and how it differs from the 5G grid)
- Learn how to build effective Crystal Grids and Sacred Alters
- Learn about Gridworkers and Crystal Grid Workers
- Learn About Atlantis and Lemuria
- Receive Lightcode Activations, Star Code Activations and DNA Activations
- Participate in Moon Ceremony
- Participate in Global Sacred Energy Healing Circles
- Participate in a Crystalline Activation Ceremony
- Enjoy local outings, nature walks, outdoor adventures including kayaking and canoeing and also local swimming in natural lakes and crystal bed waters

Other Topic Areas to Be Explored and Addressed During Our Sacred Circles, Rituals and Meditations
- Connecting with the wisdom of your spirit guides, masters, teachers, loved one and your own Higher – Inner – Sacred Self and accessing, receiving and following your inner divine guidance.
- Practicing ongoing self love, self honor and self care and creating personal Sacred ritual and routine to assist you with embodying the love within you.
- Meditation and Ritual of Forgiveness so you can entirely make peace within so you Emory peace and live in peace.
- Providing Karma Clearing & Energetic Cord-Cutting, including working with your Sacred Contracts so you can break free of those old patterns once and for all.
- Opening The Heart Center and Removing Heart Walls and Blocks to Divine Love ~ we’ll be opening the heart so that love can flow freely and fully in through and around you.
- Clearing the Stickiest Stuff Ever and Belief System Block-Busting ~ we will clear, hear, resolve and removing the sickest stuff ever, as well as the belief systems, blocks and barriers that have been keeping you stuck and unhappy and holding you back.
- Receive Emotional Healing time so you can say goodbye to all of that emotional baggage once and for all.
- Angelic Clearings, Galactic Shamans, Star Family Members, Spirit Doctor Team and Benevolent Beings of Healing from The Non Physical Realm will be joining us though our sacred healing journey.
- Sound Healing Baths ~ We will be rejuvenating the body, mind, and spirit with sacred sounds of Source energy, crystalline harmonics and crystal singing bowls.
- Enjoy Energy Balancing time to provide you with tools to stay vibrant, balanced, healthy and in the flow
- As always, our animals, friends, family lineage members and loved ones will also be included (remotely) during our sacred healing journey.

Connect with Other Starseeds, Lightworkers, Way-Showers,Change-Agents And Star Family Members as We Re-Unite With Our Sacred Crystalline Consciousness In Us
Optional Extra Stay through September 16th
For those who would like to extend their stay to enjoy even more of what Arkansas hats offer as well as continue to align with and anchor in the new 5th Dimensional Energies, please consider joining us for an additional two days.
During these additional two days, we will be enjoying the following ad on activities:
Sacred Grid Work ~ Expanding and Intensifying The Crystalline Grid on Planet Earth ~ Gaia
Sacred Vortex Crystal Grid Work as Guided to Sacred Locations ~ Participate in Sacred Grid Work and Energy Healing Circle and learn all about Sacred Grid Work

Nature Immersion Day for Sacred Union with Mother Nature
A visit to many of the local natural hot spots in the area to commune with nature and align more fully with Mother Earth Gaia. This will include:
- Hiking to Sacred Spots
- Additional swimming in natural lakes and crystal bed waters
- Optional Zip Line Adventure
- More specifics to follow and flow
Additional Evening Healings, Meditations and Tutorials for the Group
This will include additional healing, coaching, support, guidance, training and group uniting as we deepen our connection with one another, with Mother Earth ~ Gaia and with Source.
- Additional tutorial and training to further assist group participants through Ascension and anchoring into 5D
- Additional prayer, meditation and healing circles as described above so we can do deeper and expand beyond any limitations

Day Trip to Hot Springs, AK
An extra day trip to Hot Springs, AK for a walking day and sightseeing tour in the city and a visit to the Quapawbaths:
While here, we will enjoy immersing in our mineral-rich, thermal waters four thermal pools, all located under a gorgeous skylight of stained glass.
For another luxurious experience, we will steam away our cares in our natural Steam Cave … a one-of-a-kind experience in steam emanating from Hot Springs 143° spring waters.
On our way back, we will make a short stop at the infamous crystal shop, ‘Jim Coleman Crystal Mines and Rock Shop’ and visit with the spectacular crystals there. For additional information, please visit:
Upon returning home, we will enjoy a relaxing evening in the hot tub jacuzzis and/or evening camp fire plus additional healing and meditation before the evening comes to a close.
Crystal Dig Information

Together, our group will enjoy a day trip to dig our own Crystals on Fisher Mountain. This will be a great weekend to dig and charge crystals as we reconnect with the land and one another. Fisher Mountain is a wonderful place to seed our intentions for the coming year as the crystals amplify our imprint.
Fisher Mountain, also known as the Stanley Mine, one of the oldest and most famous mines in Montgomery County, has produced some of the highest quality crystal points and clusters in the area.
We will also do a small and simple Sacred Ritual while at Fisher Mountain. Fisher Mountain is a wonderful place to seed our intentions for the coming year as the crystals amplify our individual and collective intention.

After we do our digging, we will have plenty of time to browse through my favorite Crystal Shop at the base of Fisher Mountain, Judy’s Crystal Shop. There, we will be gifted to see and experience some exceptionally rare quartz, ie, Lemurian, Crystals.
This will be a great weekend to dig and charge crystals as we reconnect with the land and with one another, deepening our bonds of love and authentic connection.

We will also have an option day where participants have an option to visit one other mine digging for Crystals or have a luxury self ~ pamper day with a mssage and spa time.
Additional specifics will be provided upon registration.
We are going mining at one of the most exclusive quartz crystal mines in the country and we are welcome to take home what we find…Plus, much of what we find will also be returned to Mother Earth ~ Gaia in the Sacred Circles and Grid Work That We Do Together.
Lodging Information

Our home base for this journey will be the rustic, yet luxurious Mountain Harbor Resort and Spa. This peaceful resort sits right on Lake Ouachita and offers beautiful natural surroundings right in heart of the Ouachita National Forest.
Each participant is responsible for making their own reservations and has the option of a private or shared bedroom with a bathroom suite or a private or shared bedroom in a luxury cabin with a fully equipped kitchen, fireplace, and huge private deck with a hot tub . Each bedroom in the cabin open s onto the deck with lake views, surrounded by a palpable energy of the crystals under the lake and land.

Upon booking for the journey, we manage the accomodation booking process with you. We will also assist you with roommate options, if you so choose.
All of our events and activities are on the Mountain Harbor Resort Facilities and we enjoy being together in the cottages on the campus. It creates and fosters the connection and the community and adds to the FUN!
After registering, you will receive a Welcome Kit with all the information you need to set you up for success, including your housing and accomodations.
For more information, please visit:
Alternative nearby hotel, Joplin Inn:

If you love Crystals, Sacred Spirituality, Connecting with Nature and Uniting with Other Spiritually Minded, Awakening Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Fellow Ascending Beings, this is the Perfect Sacred Retreat for you.

Airport and Transportation Information
The best airport to use is in Little Rock, AR, which is approximately 90 minutes away. Car rentals are available there and will be required for the 90 minute drive to Mount Ida.
The GPS address of our hotel at Mt. Ida is 994 Mountain Harbor Road, Mount Ida, AR 71957.
During our pre-event webinar, we provide assistance to those wishing to carpool or share taxi or Uber.

What’s Included
- All Group Sessions and Tutorials
- All Group Healings
- All Group Meditations and Practices
- Group Discussions – space holding and frequency shifts as we accelerate our abundant potential together in group unity
- Musical Sound Bath
- Candle Light Ceremonies and Sacred Energy healing
- ALL the Crystals YOU Dig
- Local Transportation to the group activities via carpool
- Snacks, Appetizers and Hor’d’oeuvres at our group gatherings
- Everything you need to feel abundantly loved, valued, honored, accepted and appreciated during this Sacred Journey and Retreat

What’s Not Included
- Airfare and Flights To and From Little Rock, Arkansas
- Transport to and from Mount Ida
- Lodging
- Primary Meals
- Extra Excursions & Dig Fees
- Travel Insurance
- Private One on One Sessions
- Extra Gifts and Souvenirs You Purchase for Yourself
Energy Exchange
Invest In YOU ~ Yourself, Your Life, Your Soul’s Journey and Evolution
- Fair energy exchange rate is $1777
- Currently, there is an EARLY BIRD registration rate of only $1444 (save $333!)
- Deposit of $744 holds your place
- Balance due by July 14th is $744 (or the full payment balance after early bird rate expires)
- Optional Extra Stay through September 22nd ~ Additional $555 if if paid before July 14th or $597 after July 14th.
- After July 14th, hotel booking is based on availability; be sure to inquire and book early! Early registrants get priority choice of group room blocked cottages
- FINAL Payment in FULL due no later than July 31st.
SPACE IS LIMITED: Register Today ~ Reserve Your Place NOW!
It is with magnificent enthusiasm, glad expectation, eager anticipation, joyful excitement, divine optimism and crystalline love that I AM extending this heartfelt invitation to you!
I AM SO excited to have you join us. Please register now to save your space!

Payment Options
Every one of our previous Crystal Experience Retreats has SOLD OUT!
Please register early to save your space!
Hold My Spot!
Deposit to Hold Your Spot
(This rate will increase to $897 when the early bird rate increases)
Final Payment Payment
(Due by July 14th, Rate Increases to $897 after July 14th)
Full Payment
Full Payment
Full Payment After July 14th
Additional Stay
Additional Stay Before July 14th
Additional Stay After July 14th
Volunteer Scholarship Opportunities
We offer a limited number of Scholarship Opportunities on each of our Sacred Retreats for qualified candidates as space permits. Scholarship Opportunities do require service and contribution as well as covering all of your own expenses ~ they are not free rides.
Alumni and past participants, as well as regular and ongoing participants of Lori’s classes and workshops are given priority when awarding volunteer scholarship opportunities.
Please note: At this time, there are no volunteer and no scholarship opportunities available; if this changes, this page will be updated.
To find out if you qualify for a Scholarship Opportunity, click here.
Refund Policy
Please note that because of event and retreat planning process, we are not able to offer refunds. We request and require you to purchase travel insurance so that in the event of a cancellation, you will be eligible for a refund. For our standard refund policy, please read here.