The Secret Energy of Money and The Spiritual Laws of Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity…
The Secret Energy of Money
and The Spiritual Laws of Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity

How to Live the Rich, Abundant, Prosperous, Opulent Life
You Were Meant to Live
by Understanding and Using Energy and Consciousness
aka: Suzie Orman Doesn’t Know Crap!
Plus: Powerful Theta Healing Energy to Clear Away Limitations and Blocks and Drastically Improve YOUR Prosperity, Money, Abundance & Wealth
This is a home study seminar with a downloadable 100+ Page eBook and 7 downloadable audio mp3s ~ approximately 15 hours of audio
This home study webinar will allow you to uncover the wisdom within you and form the Union of the Spiritual/Metaphysical relam in HAR-MONEY with the scientifically valid and real tools for lasting success for your FINANCIAL FREEDOM.
You can have the life you desire and the monetary and financial wealth and abundance that comes with it! And while it does require a SHIFT in YOUR perception about money, your worth, your value and wealth as well as your relationship to these things, it is very easy (almost effortless) to do.
True Prosperity is a State of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, Not a State of World Affairs

Ask yourself these important questions:
- Are you a lightworker, Starseed or Wayshower who is struggling with money even though you know you are doing and providing incredible, highly valuable service in the world?
- Are you sick and tired of money issues getting in the way of your dreams and accomplishments?
- Do you feel as though you could accomplish much more in your life if only you had more money?
- Are you ready to at least believe that the Universe IS abundant, does treat everyone equally and that you can have your fair share?
- Do you feel as though you are just about to break through to something bigger but need some additional prosperity to move forward?
Everything is energy, even your wealth index.
If there is any part of YOU who thinks that money is something you have to be afraid of, worry about or slave away at a job which doesn’t bring YOU JoY and Uplift YOU, I am here to tell YOU, that I am living proof that none of that is true.
You Can Have the Life You Desire and the Money that Comes With It!!

Here’s what’s included in this incredible, completely original package:
Audio Download 1: Unlearning & Re-Membering:
- What is money anyway? Discover the hidden truth about money, what it is, how it works and what it knows that YOU don’t
- Learning about the Secret, Mystical, Spiritual & SCIENTIFIC information behind the energy of money, wealth, prosperity and abundance
- Perspective and perception: Addressing all those misbeliefs and misconceptions about money and wealth
- Dispelling the myths from the Realities about money and wealth
- Q&A
Audio Download 2: Releasing & Dispelling:
- Uncovering the Universal Truths, Principles and Laws behind money, wealth, abundance and prosperity
- The 5 Spiritual Laws (and the physics behind them of Prosperity and Abundance
- Proven techniques and strategies to quickly, easily, efficiently and effectively bring in more money and wealth into YOUR life immediately
- Unlocking YOUR inner blueprint for FINANCIAL FREEDOM: Releasing Fears, Worries, Doubts, Anxieties, Concerns and Frustrations
- Q&A
Audio Download 3: Recreating & Rebuilding:
- Bringing in the ENERGY of Source or Creation to Assist YOU!
- Going Beyond Belief and moving into Experience; Putting it into practice and moving into ACTION
- Real steps and actions which YOU can take today which will bring the MOOLA into YOUR life, right now, right away Experiencing IS Believing AND Knowing!
- Q&A
Audio Download 4: Grand Finally and Wrap Up:
- The Universal Laws of Physics which Validate EVERYTHING Scientifically
- Manifestation & Money
- 11 Proven Techniques to Instantly Raise YOUr Prosperity and Abundance Index
- 11 Proven Techniques to Immediately Bring In More Money into YOUr Life
- 3 Fast and Easy Steps to Feel Better About EVERYTHING, especially
- M-O-N-E-Y and anything else which might stand in YOUr Way
- Breaking free from The Money Matrix
- Prosperity Game Plan
Audio Download 5: Additional Bonus Healing for this Class:
- This class material covered so much that we added in an extra class session just for Theta Healing regarding money and wealth issues which matter most to YOU! This class mp3 also includes a powerful Theta Brainwave meditation.
Bonus Video Classes and Tutorials:
- The 3 Categories Of Consciousness As It Relates To Money and Wealth and How To UP~Grade Your Money Consciousness
- Spiritual Budgeting & Managing Your Money
Each week’s course will build on the class from before it.
Uncover the Wisdom and the Union of the Spiritual/Metaphysical in HAR-MONEY with the Scientifically Valid and Real Tools for Lasting Success for Your FINANCIAL FREEDOM

All Audio Downloads Will Allow You To:
- Discover the real meaning about money that the rich and powerful global elite would rather you never find out
- Clear old programming regarding Abundance, Wealth, Prosperity, Love, Joy, Happiness and Well Being in all areas of YOUR life including your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual experiences.
- Release old blocks, limiting belief patters, agreements or unconscious agreements which stop the flow of Abundance, Wealth, Prosperity, Love, Joy, Happiness and Well Being in ALL areas of YOUR Life (especially the flow of M-O-N-E-Y)
- Restore YOUR ability to attract optimum Abundance, Wealth, Prosperity, Love, Joy, Happiness and Well Being in all areas of YOUR life.
- Re-pattern and update YOUR DNA in preparation for the new Earth paradigm shift and YOUR own evolution as well as the evolution of the entire planet (we are all connected, so YOUR personal healing affects US all).
- Re-write YOUR old, outmoded contracts and agreements of poverty and enslavement to the system which have been keeping you from experiencing the true Abundance, Prosperity, Love, Joy, Happiness, Well Being which is YOUR divine birthright.
- And we’ll do all of this on a soul level, a core level, a genetic level and an ancestral level, which will literally restore, regenerate and improve YOUR DNA.
The Retail Value of this course is $1997.
Plus! When you purchase this full course, you will also receive:

Lori’s 100+ page original downloadable ebook entited,
“The Secret Energy of Money and The Spiritual Laws of Wealth, Abundnace, Oppulence and Prosperity.”
You will also receive the following extra bonuses when you purchase this home study course:
Theta Healing for Money & Wealth mp3
This is a BONUS 60 minute Theta Healing Session on Money, Wealth, Abundance and Prosperity ~ Releasing unconscious blocks and resistance to money and allowing in true abundance, prosperity and wealth to flow into YOUR Life…it is pure Energy Healing during the entire recording.
Uncover the Wisdom and the Union of the Spiritual/Metaphysical in HAR-MONEY with the Scientifically Valid and Real Tools for Lasting Success for Your FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Valued at $111.
Theta Healing for Success & Prosperity mp3
Improve your overall success in all areas of life with this 50 minute mp3 of LIVE Sacred ENERGY Healing focused entirely on the topic area of success in all areas of life. Valued at $111.
Theta Healing for the New Year 50 minute mp3 with LIVE Energy Healing for Success, Prosperity and Abundance
Start your New Year TODAY! Get the remainder of your year off to a happy, healthy, empowered start. This is powerful theta healing at its best. During this 50 minute tele-class, you’ll participate in a powerful Theta Healing Meditation and receive powerful, effective energy healing focused on the deepest core issues related to love, health, wealth, success, peace, harmony and happiness. Valued at $111.
Living In The Overflow
Designed for anyone who is ready to step out of lack, limitation, and playing small and step into living their best lives every by allowing themselves to begin living in the overflow of the best that life has to offer. Provides simple, easy, concrete tools that you can begin utilizing right away which will allow you to feel great and change your reality right away. Start living in the Overflow today! Valued at $111.
Your True Worth and Value Class mp3 and Mini ebook pdf
This 20+ page ebook and 90 minute mp3 was created for those of us who have ever struggled with issues of personal worth, self love, personal value. It not only addresses money issues, it addresses all areas of life as it relates to our personal worth and value…it contains an extremely enlightening formula for awakening to your true Divine Contribution and your personal value and worth as a Divine Being. It also addresses areas related to your Divine Mission on Earth and receiving fair energy exchange in the form of monetary payment. This call and ebook are a must for anyone who has ever over-given, undercharged, or had any issues with lack related in any area of life and especially, anyone who has ever dealt with issues related to lack of self worth and/or self confidence. ~ Valued at $111
My Favorite Money and Abundance Prayer Mini ebook pdf
This is, quiet literally, my favorite money and abundance prayer for Spiritually Awakening Beings and Change Agents. It really, really, really works! Try it and see for yourself! Valued at $Priceless.
You’ll get the five class audio mp3 downloads PLUS the 100+ page downloadable ebook and the bonus six mp3s and the two bonus pdfs.
Start Living the Rich, Abundant, Prosperous Life Which IS Your Divine Birthright
When you register for this class, you will receive the following:
- The FULL 5 Week Home Study Course, Valued at $1997+
- A FULL Year Access To The ON LINE Membership Portal, Valued at $Priceless
- 2 Bonus LIVE Group Healing and Coaching Sessions with Lori (TODAY ONLY!), Valued at $2500+
You will also receive the following extra bonuses when you purchase this home study course:
- Healing for Money & Wealth mp3, Valued at $111
- Healing for Success & Prosperity mp3, Valued at $111
- Healing for the New Year 50 minute mp3 with LIVE Energy Healing for Success, Prosperity and Abundance, Valued at $111
- Living In The Overflow, Valued at $111
- Your True Worth and Value Class mp3 and Mini ebook pdf,Valued at $111
- My Favorite Money and Abundance Prayer Mini ebook pdf, Valued at $Priceless.
PLUS: Join us TODAY and you will also receive 2 BONUS LIVE Group Q&A Coaching Calls with Lori, valued at an additional $2500
Total Value at $3,500+
Yours TODAY for only $597
*Special discounted offer rates cannot be combined with any other special offers, discounts or coupons. Advanced discounted tuition rates on classes are non refundable. Class tuition is transferable to other classes and workshops for a small transfer fee. For additional information on our refund policy, please click here.