Vibrational Energy Healing and Meditation for Ourselves and Our Animals
~ The Secret Energy Of Animals ~
Vibrational Energy Healing and Meditation
for Ourselves and Our Animals

4 Week Vibrational Energy Healing & Meditation with Animals Webinar
Plus One Bonus Week of Live Sacred Energy Healing
Home Study Course
Our animals speak a Universal Language of Energy which is based on the energy, vibration and frequency of love.
We know that everything is energy. All energy vibrates. As we learn to align with this higher truth and understand and apply the higher, lighter frequencies of vibration, we shift our states of consciousness, health, well being, abundance, wealth, peace, harmony, happiness, love and joy.
Our animals are already doing this…but they need our help.
Participate in a potent and effective vibrational energy healing webinar and receive incredibly transformational energy healing for you and your animals while contributing to world wide energy healing for all animals. Learn how to use this vibrational energy to heal yourself and your animals too, as well as other people, places, experiences, situations and circumstances.
Learn The Secret Energy Of Animals
- Are you an animal communicator or a healer who is looking to expand your skills?
- Are you a spiritually minded animal lover who is desiring to facilitated greater peace, harmony, love, kindness and compassion for all animals on planet earth?
- Are you desiring a more intimate bond with your animal companions and friends?
- Are you and/or your animals looking to improve your overall health and well being or perhaps healing and recovery from some kind of physical, mental or emotional health issue?
- Would you like to learn some new, powerful and effective tools to meditate with your animal companions ~ tools that will actually help you and your animals too?
- Are you wanting to be of service and contribution to the animal kingdom in a more effective way?
- Are you seeking a more vibrant and alive and fulfilling life for yourself and all animals?
Allow Vibrational Energy to Expand You and Your Animals
Into Greater Love
Here are the benefits You Can Expect To Receive:
- You will learn how to meditate with your animals – and they WILL meditate WITH you…You WILL witness this before your own eyes
- You will learn how to use vibrational energy for healing and support of yourself, your animals, and others, including people, places, sitations and enivronments too
- You will receive actual tools that actually work and are extremely effective
- You will recieve expanded knowledge and wisdom
- You will receive expaneded peace, love and vibrancy
- You will experience a deeper and more authentic connection with and to your animals
- You will feel more vibrant and fulfilled as a result of working with and applying the tools of vibrational energy
Tools of Meditation that Will Actually Help
You and Your Animals Too
This Vibrational Energy Healing for Ourselves and Our Animals Class Includes:
- 3 LIVE weekly classes with Lori with vibrational energy healing instruction and actual LIVE energy healing for people and animals
- 1 BONUS LIVE Q&A and coaching call
- LIVE experiential learning about using vibration and energy for healing, health and recovery
- LIVE energy healing and mediation with your companions plus instruction on how to meditate with your animals to help heal them too
- Extra BONUS downloadable content for lifetime access
- A lifetime of wellness for you and your animal companions
Experience the Joy of Connecting with Animals Through The Language of
Vibrational Energy Which They Speak:
A Universal Language of Love
Here’s what you will receive and learn:
- Use vibrational energy to improve your connection with animals
- Use vibrational energy to heal yourself and animals too
- Use vibrational energy to improve your psychic skills, expand your intuition and your consciousness
- Use vibrational energy to create new realities and more desirable outcomes for any animal (including yourself)
Receive Truly Transformational Bonuses with Live Energy Healing
Plus! Receive these EXCITING EXTRA BONUSES in downloadable content:
Energy Healing for The Planet’s Animals and Bringing Consciousness to Humans for More Humane and Ethical Treatment of Animals Worldwide Tele-Conference with Global Meditation, valued at $100.
Worldwide Energy Healing for The Planet’s Waters, Whales, Dolphins and Marine Life and Bringing Consciousness to Humans for More Humane and Ethical Treatment of the Waters, Whales, Dolphins and all Marine Life Worldwide Tele-Conference with Global Meditation, valued at $100.
Energy Healing for The Planet’s Animals and Bringing Consciousness to Humans for More Humane and Ethical Treatment of FARM Animals Worldwide Tele-Conference with Global Meditation, valued at $100.
EXTRA, EXTRA Bonus ~ Connect, Communicate & Heal with The Dolphins of Bimini, The Bahamas (Call Recording from Our Live Energy Healing Call with the Dolphins), additional value of $50.
EXTRA, EXTRA Bonus ~ Sacred Dolphin Journey Q&A Call Recording, additional value of $50.
BRAND NEW, LIVE HEALING CREATION Mediation for the Animals and THEIR Ascension via Chosen Future, valued at $50
Contribute to the greater good of all of all animals and all of humanity.
- No prior experience is necessary
- Even if you cannot attend live, you will be able to listen in reply and receive the same benefits as if you listened live
- Click here to see our full refund policy
Please join us and be part of this truly transformational experience to make monumental improvement for people and animals globally.
Total Retail Value of This Home Study Webinar~Seminar and Extra Bonus Items = $1100+
Today’s Fair Energy Exchange = $597
*Special discounted offer rates cannot be combined with any other special offers, discounts or coupons. Advanced discounted tuition rates on classes are non refundable. Class tuition is transferable to other classes and workshops for a small transfer fee. For additional information on our refund policy, please click here.