The past few months have been some real humdinger months, making most folks who are not deeply rooted into their own core pillar and the Crystaline core of Mother Earth ~ Gaia, to behave in some lopsy-dopsey, lucy-goosey, dare I say it, fanatical and borderline insane ways which would almost seem like the insanity of the 3D is more than just a bit too close for comfort.

Indeed, this is a most critical time on planet earth when we are being called to transcend the immediate (undesirable) future by raising the current frequencies up to the next evolutionary level…we, The Lightworkers, Wayshowers and Awakening Beings have done the tough work already – the inner clearing and the outer manifesting, and also holding space for others to find their way….

….and we are continuing to more fully anchor in the 5th Dimensional reality as we witness those aspects of our selves in unity consciousness who are not ‘quite there yet’….even those who may be well on their way, but are still wobbling….

Along with so many other Gatekeepers and Starseeds, we are continually anchoring in light and transforming shadow to insure a peaceful transition for all of humanity.

And while it is true that you cannot ‘miss the bus’ so to speak, it is also true that you can miss significant and vital opportunities. Please don’t miss out.

This is NOT a time to sit on the sidelines and wait.
This is NOT a time to read about Ascension.
This is a time to be ACTIVELY ENGAGED in the higher, lighter frequencies and energies of The LIGHT.

Join us for the next Ascension, Manifestation & Healing Circle call on Thursday, May 25th.

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